Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

What're your "Resolutions" for the new year?

Whatever they are -- write them down. And tie them to reality!

Instead of "lose 20 pounds" -- how about "eat 5 vegetables and a fruit a day, plus walk 30 minutes per day"........?

It's a lot easier to make sweeping generalizations (that you then blow, and don't even think about it) than specific promises that you can meet each and every day.

The thing that's amazing is that the specifics, when they add up 12 months from now (because you've stuck to them), will surpass the generalizations!

Try to keep things to the Positive, instead of the Negative. For example, ADDING some veggies, instead of TAKING AWAY dessert. Try to keep things Possible, not Probable. For example, ADDING 30 minutes of walking a day, instead of adding an hour of cardio at the gym and weightlifting and.....

I was reading the book "You: The Owners Manual" by Dr. Oz (Oprah's doc). His deal with the 30 minutes of walking is that it doesn't matter WHAT else you have going on, what the weather is, etc. -- you HAVE to do it (even if you're walking around the dining room table for 30 minutes!) Every day. If you park your car in the far part of the parking lot at work, or you get off one bus stop early (carry your tennies, don't walk in your biz shoes!!), that could be 15 minutes each way (voila -- 30 minutes!)

I've managed (oy!) to gain 20 lbs since my wedding -- because I stopped working out, and I started eating whatever I darned well pleased.....but we're going to Miami in February, so once again, I Got Goal! :-)))

I've been walking 30 minutes a day.....and as of a few days ago, I started paying attention to eating again.

I have also BLOCKED IN time for myself to get to the gym. When I was "counting down" to the wedding, there was no question I would get there. Now -- I always seem to have "one more thing to do" at work, etc. Butyasee, now that I have the trip as a backstop, I have blocked in time to get to the gym, started buying salads to take to work (instead of eating food that I can't be sure WHAT is in there), etc.

Miami is end of February. Not a chance I can lose the 20 -- silly me, but what the hey, I'm a big fat happy married woman! :-) I can be closer though -- and in a healthy way.

How about you?

1 comment:

YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Funny you mention the fruits and vegetables. I'm finally able to stomach V8 juice... thus making me shed nearly 10 lbs.

God is grrrrreat!!