Monday, February 04, 2008

KCBS Health Etc with Dr. Oz seminar!

This Saturday, I attended the "Health, Etc." conference where Dr Mehmet Oz was the featured speaker:

(the photos aren't up yet)

What a fantastic event. I had imagined that Dr Oz would be "just as great" as he is on TV -- but he definitely was. In fact, he stayed late to answer questions from the hall, and was just super. I have been to seminars and seen (and met) folks from TV/etc., and often they are not what they "seem" to be on TV. If anything, he seemed NICER than on Oprah.

One of the things that I also did was wait in the (very VERY LONG, but fast moving) line to have my Glucose, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol tested.

My Glucose was 102 non-fasting -- which is normal (Less than 140). YAY!
My total cholesterol was 178 -- which is normal (less than 200). YAY!
My blood pressure was 139/93 -- which is WAY BAD and ABNORMAL. Yikes!!!!

As in, they said to see my doctor immediately. Then I talked with the doc who was there, who said that this had to be monitored and had to go down "like now," b/c it was stroke-level (the bottom number is the "baddie" tho they are both bad).

115/75 is good
120-129 on top and 80-89 on the bottom is "pre-hypertension"
130-159 on top and 90-99 is "Stage 1 Hypertension" -- the bottom number being the more important and "worse" one.
Then you are basically just about to die if you are over that.

SO ANYWAY, she said that I had to get back on exercising, b/c also my fat percentage was high. This does not surprise me, since after my wedding (oh, now 1.5 years ago!) my James and I have been the foie gras and wine and lolling King and Queen. But this freaked me out bigtime. No more red meat, blah blah, and NOW.

I heard once that it's when you get a "wake-up call" that you really get serious. I never really thought that was going to apply to me. I know, what a dummy. But I'm definitely still slim, etc. -- I didn't know I had a time bomb ticking away.

So that's my post for today -- after I get the podcasts done that I'm working on on "Inner Game," I'm going to be doing a few interviews with some doctors about health (Dr. Monte included -- YAY!), and also a hypnotherapy induction for free. Hey -- and I will use it!


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