Yeah yeah, I know, I haven't posted in like a month. And it's bad, because I need to post to get my book done. But I'm Bridezilla in a Big Bad Way right so be it.
Anyway -- so this is my thought for the day, though. I have been interviewing for a "real job in the City" -- yeah, I know, sue me. But part of it has to do with wanting to reach for the big bucks while I can -- get in, get it done, and get out. I can do this at this job, and I can still do my Coaching on the side -- but I don't have to "also" be an attorney, masseuse, chief bottle washer, etc. to make ends meet.
That's not what this post is about, though.
It's about trying new stuff -- anything that tickles your fancy -- and then....NOT being good at it.
I have tried SO MUCH stuff, because I thought it was cool. Biplane flying. Scuba diving. Martial arts. Yachting. Golfing. Tennis. Blah-ti-blah, you get the picture. But you see, the thing is, that I was never much "good at" these things. They weren't my "big thing" -- my "big thing" is actually coaching, I just love it.
I know tons of folks who do things like Golf, and they are Obsessed with it. They have to Be Good. They get all bent out of their happiness if they aren't. And it's actually kinda funny -- they "complain" about their low handicaps, shots they missed, etc.
This came up at an interview that I had for that job. We got to talking about something -- whether it was scuba, or golf, or whatever. The guy interviewing me (a Big Wig) then went on to talk about his "high" handicap of I think it was 10. (As a point of interest, 0 means that you play a "perfect game" and handicaps go up to 40 -- which means you get to subtract 40 points from your strokes at the in reality, someone could play Tiger Woods and BEAT him, because he could play a scratch or perfect game, and they could hit like 20 over par, and then they get to subtract their handicap, and if it's over 21, they beat him. I do like that part about golf.) OK so anyway -- my handicap is FORTY. So he's all on about his "high" 10 handicap, and I am laughing, saying I have a 40. But I love to get out there, that I pick up the ball when I'm playing badly, blah blah.
You know, folks actually don't BELIEVE YOU when you tell the truth, when it's like this. It's totally funny.
I remember another time when I was talking about martial arts, and I said (true!) that I wasn't all that great at it, my knees aren't all that good. Or maybe it was riflery, where I am left handed but right "eyed," and so I have to pretty much lay on over the sites to get a good shot.
I will mention the stuff I've done, but I am NEVER good at it. I always have these funny stories about how I did something-or-another that makes the person laugh, but I just play it down -- and then ask them what THEY do/like to do/etc.
See, the thing about this all is, what you do makes you interesting. Try new stuff that you think is cool -- you want to fly a helicopter? Go to a school and get them to give you a "demo" lesson for 1/4 price or something. You can SAY YOU DID IT then. But don't make it more than it is. When I tried out being a pilot, you know what? I didn't care that much for it. So I didn't keep it up.
So you try something, and then stay in your Truth, and you can chat about it, and be interesting. But if you get TOO DEEP into something (you turn out to be "crazy" about diving, or flying, or what-ev-ah), then you're going to be a Bore. Because people want to hear the interesting thing that you've done -- in like 10 seconds. So you can make a joke about it, and then move on, and do what they want you to do -- ask about Them!
In some things, I am fairly good. I have some certifications in various stuff -- but I never really talk about it...unless someone pushes me. When people ask what I do, I always say "a little of this, a little of that" and then pick whatever I feel like talking about. If that person I'm talking to is an attorney, I will NEVER tell them that I am. Then he (usually a he) will go on about how Important what they do is, and when I get tired of it, I will smile and say "Oh, yeah did I mention I've been an attorney for 15 years, and been in on some of the most important stuff that's gone on in this area, as both a law firm attorney and then general counsel? Oh I think I forgot, and told you I am a masseuse."
Yeah OK fine that's not nice, but I'm not always nice...sometimes I just like to see their jaws drop :-)
SO my note is this -- do what you feel like doin', that sounds interesting to you. You only get one chance this time around! And if you hate it -- quit. And make a story of it. If you love it, great, but be humble.
But get out there! Do it, Do it! Something outrageous! Find a "demo" each month at some scuba store, or a school of some kind, or whatever, and make them do whatever it is with you for free -- heck, if they "rope you" then you can pay, but don't pay to demo, tell them that you're really interested in whatever it is, and go try it out!
What can it hurt?
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See? That's all I needed to hear!
*running off to get applications for the nudie bar*
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